Media ingenuity banner

Media ingenuity

Skills used: UI, Email design & coding

Media Ingenuity Ltd. provides marketing and financial services. They include online marketing, digital marketing, financial consultancy, and financial analysis they also issue a range of credit cards.

Role: Designer

I was embedded in the in house design team who was responsible for looking after the two main brands for Media Ingenuity which were Totally Money and Fluid. Day to day tasks involved optimization of the site, creation of Flash banners and designing and developing newsletters.

Media ingenuity website

Coding emails

Took the initiative to cement my web coding skills in HTML and CSS. These skills were later used when I was tasked to design and code the weekly HTML emails/newsletters for the Totally Money brand.

Coding emails

Flash animated banners

I worked daily with the marketing division to design, code and release Flash web banners (for servers such as Yahoo/MSN) for the Totally Money brand.


I was able to utilize and develop my Action Scripting skills to created profit generating online life insurance adverts.
